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When timothy says to you that we are a new club


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2 hours ago, Lego63 said:

Just show them Facts that the same happened to them its Timmy Kyptonite.They go into meltdown.Never had one you could argue out of the facts,




Wouldn't even waste my time getting into that. We are the same club that has 54 league titles and they are the same club that covered up child abuse 

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Not sure why anyone actually cares about them saying these things tbh, I can honestly say I give absolutely zero fucks. 

I can't speak for everyone but I genuinely love being a Rangers fan and everything the goes with it, the match day atmospheres, community, songs and just in general feeling of being around like-minded people who love Rangers. Those are the things that makes it special for me and make me enjoy being a fan of this great club. 

I can understand a bit of banter too and I have no issue with that but I have met certain fans who seem to constantly feel the need to have a pop and only seem interested in slagging us off. I just find it kind of strange like do they even enjoy supporting their own club? Oh well not my problem in any case!

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No interest in the tarrier cunts, their "Rangers are deid" patter has become quite stale and shows them for what they are, small-minded, fenian, IRA loving bastards who, like their team, deserve zero respect on or off the football field.  

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They say it to wind us up.  That’s what football fans do, permanently on the lookout to humiliate and demean your rivals regardless of facts.

I think the ultimate irony of the whole ‘yous are deid’ ‘naw we urny’ thing is that it’s so childish and puerile it makes any sane observers want to fuckin top themselves.

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11 hours ago, gsa said:

Even amongst all the mud slinging and insults, the Nuremberg comments stand out. Indecent. 

Really puzzles me that more wasn't made of that. 

I wouldn't worry too much,he'll be dead soon. 


I'll have a beer when that day comes.

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celtic Football and Athletic club was founded for the sole reason of keeping catholics away from the big bad proddies. 

Their existence is in opposition to us. Ergo without us they are meaningless. They live to hate us. They wake up thinking about us . They fall asleep thinking about us. They are utterly obsessed.

We are Scottish football. If that lot had suffered the same persecution that we suffered and got slung down to the bottom of the Scottish league set up, they would have died. No doubt in my mind. 

No celtic fan has ever said to me your club died but if anyone ever did I would remind them of the above and let them know .....its all about the Rangers. 


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14 hours ago, OhW said:

Why do people give a fuck about this? I wouldn't even have known they did a lap of honour if Rangers fans hadn't told me.

I agree with you, mate! I couldn't give a fat rats arsehole what they think, what they do, or what they say. The only time I bothered giving a cunt a serve was when I had the misfortune of seeing this specky fat cunt in a Tarrier shirt walking through a shopping centre; as the wife and I passed him, I gave a little snigger and he knew it was aimed at him, so he  gave it the old. "whit yous sniggering at; are you a Ranjurs supporter or sumfin?"

When I said I certainly was, out came the old. "your clubs deid ya eedjit" so I told him that that was probably true, for him at any rate, which must have confused him..."Whit dae yea mean fur me at anyrate?" he asked.....Because you only have the intelligence of a 6 year old, I said. . My wife was half pissing herself with laughter and half raging at me for almost starting a stramash in the shopping centre; other than that, I just ignore them.

BTW! I watched the game on Rangers TV, but did those cunts REALLY do a lap of honour after the match? :confused::rofl:

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I hate threads like this 

It just shows the scum that it bothers some people 

It doesn't bother me 

Every one of them knows deep down .Their  club is guilty of covering up child abuse 

Thank fuck I follow the Rangers 

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4 minutes ago, TEFTONG said:

I've met one taig since I moved here and he was informed and fairly balanced. I've not had to listen to any new Club pish and anyone still peddling these lies is to be pitied more than despised.

They are definitely a rare breed in my part of the Midlands too. Seen more Rangers shirts round here, despite having a separatist school roind the corner. A refreshing change from North London which has an infestation of them.

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Virtually every football club around the globe has had to endure a period of stormy financial weather at one time or more during their history. I'd surmise that very few clubs have had financial stress free ones.

We're no different in that respect when monetary storm clouds gathered albeit on a far larger scale for us than the vast majority because we're indisputably one of the biggest clubs in the world. We withstood a period of severe financial turbulence as most other clubs at some point have had to undergo and negotiate through. However, thanks mainly to our immense support who followed on while our club steered towards calmer budgetary conditions and improvement of the financial position we're now not that far off from once more becoming league champions in the near future for the 55th time and we won't look back thereafter.




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4 hours ago, RFC Eagle said:

They are definitely a rare breed in my part of the Midlands too. Seen more Rangers shirts round here, despite having a separatist school roind the corner. A refreshing change from North London which has an infestation of them.

That’ll be all those Tottenham scum bags..

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22 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

That’ll be all those Tottenham scum bags..

Cant think of a Spurs fan I've met that supports them, its more Arsenal/Scum fans (I'm sure theres some Freudian reason for them being partial to the Arse?).

Lived down there for best part of 20 years and it really is infested.


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