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In reply to 'why don't you ask a newsagent if you can borrow the papers to photograph:


My local guy did - but as I explained in the article you rather feel like a ponce standing there for ages with your camera out and his other customers will eventually turn around and ask why I get free access to papers they have to pay for.


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At first I assumed he was photographing the pages to show and highlight how often the bias of the papers are against us, and the skewed nature of the coverage and how anything scum related was handled differently.

Then near the end, "can you live without it?"

What the actual fuck? Can I live without seeing constant shite printed over a dying relic of a news source? Papers are on their arse and thank fuck, as he states they can be more biased (especially the fucking rhecord) and their slower than TV/internet, fucking yesterdays news! The angle that 'papers are dying and it's not good, so give me money'... genuinely can't believe how hard this cunts neck is.


For what it's worth, I took a picture from a newspaper months ago that shows the agenda of the antiquated, scum infested Scottish print media.


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There's a kind of as yet unsolved problem in what he's saying. Newspapers are dying due to the Internet, but as it stands at present a lot of the information gathered and spread around the Internet is sourced from newspapers. On this forum the first information on all kinds of topics is sourced from the newspapers.

Journalism does also do a lot of good in uncovering ills of society. There's no clear pointer yet as to what will replace this information sourcing post newspaper journalism. Could be some government type organisations but they'll be biased according to the leaders of the day. Self appointed groups will do some work but unfunded they might not have the reach of a large well funded group such as a particular news agency of the past. 

Where we're probably at as a group are we feel there are no newspapers who currently represent us, and in fact appear to be largely run by people who want to attack us. It's falling onto fans groups like the VBs etc to do the investigative journalism and expose those who seek to do us harm. 

That being said though, in what we gain in some respects we'll lose in others. I'm no fan of the papers but its not black and white (boom boom). 

Obviously this plamf has considered none of this and just wants some free papers. 

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50 minutes ago, Gman36 said:

There's a kind of as yet unsolved problem in what he's saying. Newspapers are dying due to the Internet, but as it stands at present a lot of the information gathered and spread around the Internet is sourced from newspapers. On this forum the first information on all kinds of topics is sourced from the newspapers.

Journalism does also do a lot of good in uncovering ills of society. There's no clear pointer yet as to what will replace this information sourcing post newspaper journalism. Could be some government type organisations but they'll be biased according to the leaders of the day. Self appointed groups will do some work but unfunded they might not have the reach of a large well funded group such as a particular news agency of the past. 

Where we're probably at as a group are we feel there are no newspapers who currently represent us, and in fact appear to be largely run by people who want to attack us. It's falling onto fans groups like the VBs etc to do the investigative journalism and expose those who seek to do us harm. 

That being said though, in what we gain in some respects we'll lose in others. I'm no fan of the papers but its not black and white (boom boom). 

Obviously this plamf has considered none of this and just wants some free papers. 

They are although it's probably a fair assumption that the overwhelming majority of newspapers have a digital presence and will continue to look towards monetisation of that platform rather than relying on revenue from print.

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2 hours ago, FSM said:

What a shower of obsequious bastards. Depressing that people worship tabloids at all, and more depressing that Rangers fans take that followfollow deadbeat seriously. All he has ever done is embarrass other Rangers fans, along with that shitepoke from Sons of Struth. 

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