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Double vac for October 1st


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On 21/09/2021 at 09:02, Darth Bear said:

Bit of perspective. 

Just over a hundred years ago the country was in crisis and people were called upon to help out. So off they went to be shot at, blown up, gassed ect living in shitty trenches not seeing family for years. Even food was rationed. Of course people could refuse to help out and many did. They were put in prison.

Same happened again just over sixty years ago. Churchill wasn't a tyrant. The Government didn't seize power for nefarious reasons. What needed to be done was done.

Compare that to getting a wee jag.

We are at war with a virus and during this crisis there will be restrictions and requirements just like there has been before. Deal with it.

As crisis go this one is nowhere near as bad as the previous two mentioned and thank fuck for that no way would you want to be stuck in the trenches with the amount of pussies about nowadays 😂


Probably the worst example you could have used mate.

Those people went off to fight and die to give us the choice to to live individualistic life’s in the manner we see fit and not to live at the whims of fascistic authoritarian government fiat.

They fought for individuals rights to be self determining even if it means being anti vax, anti science, stupid or selfish.

Get yourself double vaccinated if you choose, keep up with your annual/bi annual boosters and let everyone else get on with their life.


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1 hour ago, Bearsden bear said:

Its not mate.

Most of the pro vaxxers and passport advocates dont to the football, pubs and clubs etc anyway 

I’ll be there as a double vacced war like hero, while the likes of the dweebs on here won’t be, that’s all that matters :)

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1 hour ago, Bigdave30 said:

Probably the worst example you could have used mate.

Those people went off to fight and die to give us the choice to to live individualistic life’s in the manner we see fit and not to live at the whims of fascistic authoritarian government fiat.

They fought for individuals rights to be self determining even if it means being anti vax, anti science, stupid or selfish.

Get yourself double vaccinated if you choose, keep up with your annual/bi annual boosters and let everyone else get on with their life.


But Dave, you wouldn't be "getting on with your life" if all those who had been vaccinated were like minded with you. Lockdowns and restrictions would be widespread. The economy would be in freefall and there would be no football, nightclubs, concerts, theatres, trips abroad etc etc. The reason the NHS is coping with Covid just now is squarely down to everyone who got their jags. Let that sink in before getting all self righteous again.

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26 minutes ago, ForeverAndEver said:

I’ll be there as a double vacced war like hero, while the likes of the dweebs on here won’t be, that’s all that matters :)

Lol. I'll be there too mate (unvaxxed) along with plenty others. Not giving up that easily 😎😎

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16 minutes ago, don logan said:

But Dave, you wouldn't be "getting on with your life" if all those who had been vaccinated were like minded with you. Lockdowns and restrictions would be widespread. The economy would be in freefall and there would be no football, nightclubs, concerts, theatres, trips abroad etc etc. The reason the NHS is coping with Covid just now is squarely down to everyone who got their jags. Let that sink in before getting all self righteous again.


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47 minutes ago, don logan said:

But Dave, you wouldn't be "getting on with your life" if all those who had been vaccinated were like minded with you. Lockdowns and restrictions would be widespread. The economy would be in freefall and there would be no football, nightclubs, concerts, theatres, trips abroad etc etc. The reason the NHS is coping with Covid just now is squarely down to everyone who got their jags. Let that sink in before getting all self righteous again.

I think the big hole in your quite self righteous post is the assumption that I’m not vaccinated. 

I’m responsible for my own risk assessment, not you, wee Jim from number 25 or the government. I’m not responsible for anyone else’s risk assessment other than my childrens. I’ll let the other adults in the country make up their own mind and I certainly won’t treat those who choose not to get vaccinated with the same self righteous indignation you appear to.

If you feel at risk from covid get on the vaccine train, If not, don’t, then get on with your life, Unvaccinated people are not a big threat to you if you are vaccinated.

The NHS never collapsed before the vaccines and they realistically never looked like doing so.

Comparing covid to WW2, just no. I could tell you what governments would have been more likely to mandated vaccines and it would have been those of Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler amongst others.

Its amazing you posted that without even a nod to irony.

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4 minutes ago, dave7867 said:

i was in hospital for 2 weeks late july to early august (13 days) and was never asked whether i  had been jabbed or not

2 covid checks and thats all

The NHS have your health records mate. They know your vaccination status. 

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20 hours ago, Bigdave30 said:

I think the big hole in your quite self righteous post is the assumption that I’m not vaccinated. 

I’m responsible for my own risk assessment, not you, wee Jim from number 25 or the government. I’m not responsible for anyone else’s risk assessment other than my childrens. I’ll let the other adults in the country make up their own mind and I certainly won’t treat those who choose not to get vaccinated with the same self righteous indignation you appear to.

If you feel at risk from covid get on the vaccine train, If not, don’t, then get on with your life, Unvaccinated people are not a big threat to you if you are vaccinated.

The NHS never collapsed before the vaccines and they realistically never looked like doing so.

Comparing covid to WW2, just no. I could tell you what governments would have been more likely to mandated vaccines and it would have been those of Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler amongst others.

Its amazing you posted that without even a nod to irony.

You do realise that other areas of the NHS have suffered massively to help deal with covid. The longer we allow that to happen, the more people we lose to treatable diseases.

Unvaccinated people are far more likely to end up in hospital, which only pushes cancer patients ect further down the line. As it stands waiting lists are longer than they've ever been. 

People putting off their vaccine are selfish, it's as simple as that. I've just lost my father in law to a potentially preventable illness due to these delays and I don't want anyone else to have to deal with that in the future if people continue to avoid being vaccinated. 

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8 minutes ago, Shearer said:

You do realise that other areas of the NHS have suffered massively to help deal with covid. The longer we allow that to happen, the more people we lose to treatable diseases.

Unvaccinated people are far more likely to end up in hospital, which only pushes cancer patients ect further down the line. As it stands waiting lists are longer than they've ever been. 

People putting off their vaccine are selfish, it's as simple as that. I've just lost my father in law to a potentially preventable illness due to these delays and I don't want anyone else to have to deal with that in the future if people continue to avoid being vaccinated. 

Yes I realise a pandemic has put stress on the health services. I don’t think a year of my life has passed without something threatening to collapse the NHS.

I’m not responsible for everyone else, neither are you, it’s not illegal to be selfish. If people want to be selfish that’s entirely up to them.

Sorry to hear about your father inlaw, There are multiple members of my own family currently dealing with chronic disease and waiting lists but that doesn’t give me special dispensation to force my will on other people.


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On 20/09/2021 at 17:39, Marco said:

BioNTech/Pfizer and Oxford/AstraZeneca both claimed their vaccines could reduce transmission. We already have a nice collection of data supporting the claim that vaccines reduce transmission though we need more data on the more viral Delta variant. There's also promising research comparing the incubation period of vaccinated vs unvaccinated. And that's before we get to the symptoms leading to hospitalisation part of 'societal impact' which is the important part.

Again, you're free to refuse the vaccine. But given how many within the British population have been prepared to get themselves vaccinated, you probably shouldn't expect too much in the way of support for your ability to go the footie vs sensible public health policy. End of the day if a person who has refused the vaccine really wants into Ibrox, then I'm sure they'll get in, but hopefully those still on the fence are persuaded to get themselves vaccinated.

Did chuckle at "further accuracy". Cheers for that!

I stand by my previous post regarding the limitations of these ‘vaccines’ on reinfection and transmission of the virus. Some recent studies have in fact indicated that the ‘vaccinated’ are a greater risk to the ‘unvaccinated’ than the other way about.  Also, we have know idea how many of the ‘unvaccinated’ have natural immunity, having already caught and recovered from it, and therefore have far superior resistance than the those vaccinated by narrowly focussed leaky ‘vaccines’.  

The main societal impacts are driven by the government’s response rather than the virus itself.  

You’re second para is essentially saying ‘follow the herd’ or we will reserve the right to ostracise and discriminate against you if you don’t.  With that way of thinking, I’ve no doubt the ‘mob’ will push for further ways to punish the current scapegoats.  However, word of warning.  Opening up the door to allow the government/state the power to license where a person can go or do or live is a bad road to go down.  Don’t think it won’t come back on you at some stage.

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So when the ‘draft (not public health policy)’ guidance is published next week will it identify the exemptions?

Will it also be clear that all organisations have to accept you are exempt on face value and they are not permitted to ask you for medical proof of your exemption?

If so, it is the same farce as the masks and very easily circumvented by saying your medically exempt.

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