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celtic Face 25 actions regarding Historic Abuse

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On 14/10/2021 at 10:03, Colin Traive said:

The two things that come to mind are these:

1. How can any normal family man, (not the Neanderthal fringe but a non-criminal, functioning, contributing member of society with job, mortgage, car loan etc), who presumably loves his wife and kids, continue to follow (and therefore condone) decades of abuse of children who could easily live next door to him or in the next street? That is the one aspect of this I have never understood. They lavish presents on their kids at Christmas and, deep down, they act like regular, loving, caring parents but, not only do they have no difficulty in turning a blind eye to the atrocities, they actually defend that terrible club and shout down those who speak out for the victims. How do they know that the wee boy who their son has invited over to kick the ball around the garden is not the latest victim?

2. Secondly, what the fuck are the footballing authorities in this country thinking about? In any other sport, in any other country, a club would be suspended pending a FULL investigation. The irony is that the SFA stated that they would wait until the court cases ended. But there are so many, who knows when they will end? The effect of this approach is that the club is effectively shielded because of the huge number of offences, perverts and victims! Utterly insane.

It all points to a shit-scared media, a weak and/or subservient parent body and too many defenders in too many high places protecting their team.

I truly wonder if that club will ever pay, not just for the initial crimes and lives ruined or lost, but also for the cynical, chilling, expertly executed decades of denial and defiance.

If there was a shred of justice, the place would be closed down and bulldozed with a memorial garden in its place.

Needed a bump mate :thumbup:
More victims.
More abusers.
still same disgusting club.

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23 minutes ago, scottyscott1963 said:

I've always been a cynic,and once/if the cases ever finish the statement will read " these cases were dealt with in a court of law,let's all move on"
filthy bastards should be ashamed to look themselves in the mirror.

With the way things are going there’s cases will be going on for years to come .

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16 hours ago, jamesy58 said:

Not reall

Not really, when you think about it McSherry named 14,Spotlight say there is up to 24 and probably more.How many Iives have this mob ruined,  could be hundreds and more probably when you consider the amount of paedophiles that were operating around this so called football club ,from Saville, Harris and the countless blessed priests, politicians  and God knows who else ,you could be looking at thousands. 

As a country we are fucked if this abhorrent abomination of a so called football  club are allowed to continue with no censure or sanction brought against  them ,all for the sake of a vote.

The punishment should  fit the crime and they should  be kicked out of football with no capacity to return no matter what body they try to use , be this a takeover of their brothers in the east or some other entity. No child rapists should be allowed in any section of society never mind a football club.

Kick them Out. No friendlies with pedarasts. 

As for the board at Rangers ,come to fuck ,how could anyone sanction playing them. They mock us at every board meeting. Grow a pair and tell them exactly why we do not want anything to do with a club who sanctioned child rape for nigh on 60 years or more.


Don't forget that Gerry McCann worked there as a Doctor, not exactly a role model for protecting kids.

Another big secret, wonder where Maddie went?

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6 hours ago, VERITAS VOS LIBREBETS said:

Don't forget that Gerry McCann worked there as a Doctor, not exactly a role model for protecting kids.

Another big secret, wonder where Maddie went?

Left very suddenly too ,got as far away as he could too ,New Zealand .

As for his poor wee lassie .We may never find out what really happened .Police have been told the funding is ending .You could set your watch to it every April there would be a “new lead “ so the case would get funded for another year .Another year of funding for 4 cops to sit playing solitaire on their laptops .

McCann is definitely a very shady character .Sails far to close to the wind for me with connections to too many people with peadophile links to be completely clean himself .

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14 hours ago, Allyup said:

It’s quite creepy the amount of people involved in that creepy club and even more creepy the lack of media exposure in this creepy little country called scotland.

ashamed to say I am Scottish.

Me personally am more ashamed the cunts who say they are 'proud to be scottish' are running the country into the ground.
As long as the xenophobes vote for them it will never change. :UK:

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