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Bheast FC: Statement


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1 hour ago, BlueMexican said:

I think they will wait until after we skelp them on the 23rd.

Last thing the board want is a sideshow.

Imagine we beat them then King comes out with the statement before the Trannie and Liewell have jumped on the bus home.

Utter pish.

Side show? We're the main event. What attention to a Board statement would the players pay, how much would it affect them? Our captain seemed clueless to anything to do with the matter when asked about it, why would a Rangers statement on the same matter suddenly be influential?

And as for beating them, odds are we won't. So would we then wait until the next game we do to get that perfect timing?

Nah, pish.

You're at it.

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21 minutes ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

Utter pish.

Side show? We're the main event. What attention to a Board statement would the players pay, how much would it affect them? Our captain seemed clueless to anything to do with the matter when asked about it, why would a Rangers statement on the same matter suddenly be influential?

And as for beating them, odds are we won't. So would we then wait until the next game we do to get that perfect timing?

Nah, pish.

You're at it.

Easy with the we won't beat them talk. 

We'll be top of the league by the end of the month. 

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Just now, Dazzler said:

Easy with the we won't beat them talk. 

We'll be top of the league by the end of the month. 

I'm saying odds on we won't as I've yet to see us favourites with any bookies.

So if we're waiting to give a statement until after a win, let alone when we "skelp" them, then odds are it won't be next weekend.

I hope you are right 're our month end positioning.

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Even if the board are checking what they can do legally surely it would be better to come out and say that. Not only would it make the fans feel a bit better but also it will put the fear into them that we are considering legal action. The noise is deafening and to be honest it's really pissed me off.

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Not as fussed as I was about a statement, would be nice yes but I can see why theres not been one on this occasion, let this run its course for a while longer celtic aren't gathering any support behind them on this one and its making them look like the obsessed cunts that they are.

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1 hour ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

There's no statement coming.

Accept it, determine what it means to you in terms of the Board, move on til the next time the same problem and outcome arises.

unfortunately there are far too many willing to keep heads in the sand on everything the board does.




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10 minutes ago, SuperLeeMcCulloch said:

Not as fussed as I was about a statement, would be nice yes but I can see why theres not been one on this occasion, let this run its course for a while longer celtic aren't gathering any support behind them on this one and its making them look like the obsessed cunts that they are.

They certainly are, narrow minded bigoted club for neds.

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I'm sure they're doing what's required behind the scenes.

A statement would just keep the story in the media for longer, that what they want and all their friends in the media have been trying to achieve this.

I actually think for the neutral observer the SPFL and Lawwell have come out of this looking none too clever with their assertion that an enquiry has the support of member clubs when clearly it doesn't.

What needs addressed is why the SPFL board is misrepresenting it's members?

Was it the previous board that made the decision or the present one?

Or did Lawwell just tell Doncaster to do it?

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45 minutes ago, SuperLeeMcCulloch said:

 celtic aren't gathering any support behind them on this one and its making them look like the obsessed cunts that they are.

and the press will let it be swept under the rug, they should get pulled up for it.

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1 hour ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

They are mentioning it.

Don't you know the fans cheered stewards when he'd been caught. One legend even clipped him round the ear. Whole stadium was outraged by the pitch invasion.

His lawyer did mention it wasn't seen on tv and didn't last long in his mitigation. Poor lamb had been bevvying all day so not even his fault really. 

Happened the same night PSG were made welcome with bheasts buying them beers and swapping scarves.

Same night headlines being made about lack of a player handshake.

Plenty news about that night.

Perfect example of the slanted view given to anything which could possibly be shown as a negative view of them and their support.  I'm not nearly subtle enough but surely our board could issue a statement saying we are perfectly willing to answer any questions about what happened at the time but what exactly is it that they are looking for that hasn't already been covered at the time we were demoted ?  After all , most clubs have gone through some difficult times, in one way or another.

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2 hours ago, Sportingintegritymyarse said:

They are mentioning it.

Don't you know the fans cheered stewards when he'd been caught. One legend even clipped him round the ear. Whole stadium was outraged by the pitch invasion.

His lawyer did mention it wasn't seen on tv and didn't last long in his mitigation. Poor lamb had been bevvying all day so not even his fault really. 

Happened the same night PSG were made welcome with bheasts buying them beers and swapping scarves.

Same night headlines being made about lack of a player handshake.

Plenty news about that night.


Only in this fenian cesspit. Neymar rips that wee rat faced bastard a new arsehole all night so he responds with typical catholic denial and ignorance by trying to get a rise out him.

Predictably the scum media swing into full defensive mode with a pathetic attempt to twist it into a Neymar has no class story for refusing to shake hands :lol:......... Any rational journalist would tell you he showed his class all night!    

They truly are a fucking joke. You could say you couldn't make it up..........  but actually you could. I could almost have written their pish article word for word for the cunts in advance as soon as I seen Neymar rightly blank the wee prick at full time. 

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Not bad from Derek Johnstone. 

THE story around Rangers has been a long and complicated one over the last few years but it looked like the EBT chapter had been closed a few weeks ago.

The Supreme Court ruling in favour of HMRC was followed by confirmation from the SPFL that there would be no further sanctions imposed on Rangers. That should have been that.

But there has been another twist in the tale this week after the Scottish FA rejected a proposal to take part in a review and Celticreleased another statement on the issue.

The letters between Stewart Regan and Peter Lawwell were made public and those on either side of the divide have become even more entrenched in their views.

But, look at the people at the clubs likeAberdeen, Hibs and Ross County that have come out and said that they have had enough of this.

We have had years and years of this, let’s call it a day and let’s get on with our football. We have got better broadcast deals because the Old Firm are back, there is sponsorship coming in and we are picking up from where we left off a few years ago.

I am speaking from a Rangers point of view obviously but I am sure there are fans of every club that are fed up reading and hearing about this.

Let’s be more positive about the game here.Scotland have a chance to qualify for the World Cup next month, the Under-21s got a great result against Holland. When things are starting to look good again, all of a sudden this is back on the agenda.

The SPFL have gone to the SFA and said they are talking on behalf of the 42 member clubs. But Peter Lawwell is the only one that has backed that up to the SFA.

How can the SPFL do that? That doesn’t make sense. Is this celtic flexing their muscles again?

They have got the best team and the most money, they are probably in the best position they have been for many, many years.

They have got everything they could want, so why on earth are they bringing this up again? It is absolute nonsense. The quicker we all move on, the better.

There will be Aberdeen fans that aren’t happy, there will be Hibs fans that aren’t happy, there will be Dundee United fans that aren’t happy. But the clubs need to move on.

If the fans want to go and collect money and fund their own investigation, fine. I won’t say waste their money, but it is their money and they can do with it what they like.

The clubs are saying ‘look, let’s call an end to it’. And that is what matters. Yes there are some fans out there that can’t let it go and never will, we accept that.

If they want to take it further, get a lawyer to look at it, fine. But what if they don’t find anything? Where do they go then?

The SFA have made their position clear, they have said they are moving on. Are we saying that a section of supporters should dictate how football should be run in this country? It is a nonsense.

The celtic fans should be the happiest they have been for years. Their team won the Treble last season, they are back in the Champions League this year. So why are some of them so concerned about this?

It is the same ones that are fighting all the time and are having a go at Rangers, and any chance they get to try and put them down they do it.

I would imagine the majority of celtic fans are happy with their team and couldn’t care about this. So, let’s just get on with it.

There are some people that are obsessed with having a dig at Rangers. That is not going over the top, that is a fact.

There are fans from some clubs, not just celtic, that just despise Rangers Football Club. If that is the way they want to be, fine. But there comes a time when you have to say ‘come on, enough is enough’.

That is what the SFA have said. Stewart Regan came out this week and made their position clear. They have spoken to four QCs, they have taken all the legal advice and have decided that what is done is done.

They have acted on those instructions, they have made their decision and now they have to stand by that decision. Unfortunately, that is still not good enough for some supporters out there, or indeed celtic Football Club and Peter Lawwell.

The door should be closed on this issue and we should get on with Scottish football.

Things are hard enough as it is for our game without issues that have been dealt with by the Courts and the football authorities being brought back to the fore once again.



Would have liked him to have been a bit more forceful in regard Doncaster's position being untenable having lied about representing all the club's .  

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Doncaster called to account by the SPFL board over his misleading letter. He must be sacked or resign. Then Liewell wrote to the SFA saying that his review had the backing of all 42 SPFL clubs. He had to have known that was lie. He too ought to be made to resign from all his posts. No link as come from a banned publication


"Neil Doncaster will be asked to explain the letter that called for a review into the use of EBTs at Rangers when the SPFL board had made it clear any such review must not focus on the Ibrox club.

Neil Doncaster faces a grilling from the SPFL board over claims he misrepresented their position to the SFA.

The SPFL chief executive is under pressure to explain the headline on a letter to SFA counterpart Stewart Regan that called for a review into the use of Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs) at Rangers.

SPFL officials called for no such inquiry and now they’re set to demand clarification from Doncaster at their next board meeting on Thursday.

To add to Doncaster’s embarrassment, Hampden sources confirmed Rangers have written to express their anger and dismay at the way the issue has been handled.

Pressure is mounting on Doncaster after his letter, received by the SFA on August 18 and referenced in correspondence between Regan and celtic chief Peter Lawwell.

The SPFL board includes Ann Budge of Hearts, Les Gray of Hamilton, Martin Ritchie of Falkirk, Morton’s Warren Hawke and Iain Dougan of Stranraer.

Doncaster, new SPFL chairman Murdoch MacLennan and independent non-exec director Karyn McCluskey are also on it.

The SPFL board met to discuss the aftermath of the Supreme Court verdict in July that ruled EBTs were taxable income, bringing an end to a long-running dispute between Rangers and HMRC.

Ibrox managing director Stewart Robertson is also a member of the SPFL board but was not allowed to take part in discussions and played no part in the decision taken by his colleagues.

In the end they agreed a review of processes aimed at avoiding future financial traumas among Scottish clubs as well as how such events would be handled in future would be beneficial.

Significantly, however, the SPFL board made it clear any such review must not focus on Rangers and its use of EBTs that ultimately led to its financial collapse in 2012.

Despite that, Doncaster’s letter to the SFA was headlined, “Independent review of use of tax avoidance schemes at Rangers FC and actions of Scottish football authorities”.

Surprisingly given the headline, it’s understood the narrative of the letter followed the terms of reference handed down in the original brief by SPFL board members.

Three days after receiving the letter, Lawwell also wrote to the SFA expressing his disappointment at the decision of their board to draw a line under the issue by refusing calls for further inquiries into the Ibrox financial collapse.

He wrote: “I am disappointed to note the position of the Scottish FA board in relation to our request for a review and indeed the request by the SPFL, on behalf of the 42 clubs in Scotland, for a review.”

The SPFL refused to comment last night."

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2 hours ago, gmcf said:

Not bad from Derek Johnstone. 

THE story around Rangers has been a long and complicated one over the last few years but it looked like the EBT chapter had been closed a few weeks ago.

The Supreme Court ruling in favour of HMRC was followed by confirmation from the SPFL that there would be no further sanctions imposed on Rangers. That should have been that.

But there has been another twist in the tale this week after the Scottish FA rejected a proposal to take part in a review and Celticreleased another statement on the issue.

The letters between Stewart Regan and Peter Lawwell were made public and those on either side of the divide have become even more entrenched in their views.

But, look at the people at the clubs likeAberdeen, Hibs and Ross County that have come out and said that they have had enough of this.

We have had years and years of this, let’s call it a day and let’s get on with our football. We have got better broadcast deals because the Old Firm are back, there is sponsorship coming in and we are picking up from where we left off a few years ago.

I am speaking from a Rangers point of view obviously but I am sure there are fans of every club that are fed up reading and hearing about this.

Let’s be more positive about the game here.Scotland have a chance to qualify for the World Cup next month, the Under-21s got a great result against Holland. When things are starting to look good again, all of a sudden this is back on the agenda.

The SPFL have gone to the SFA and said they are talking on behalf of the 42 member clubs. But Peter Lawwell is the only one that has backed that up to the SFA.

How can the SPFL do that? That doesn’t make sense. Is this celtic flexing their muscles again?

They have got the best team and the most money, they are probably in the best position they have been for many, many years.

They have got everything they could want, so why on earth are they bringing this up again? It is absolute nonsense. The quicker we all move on, the better.

There will be Aberdeen fans that aren’t happy, there will be Hibs fans that aren’t happy, there will be Dundee United fans that aren’t happy. But the clubs need to move on.

If the fans want to go and collect money and fund their own investigation, fine. I won’t say waste their money, but it is their money and they can do with it what they like.

The clubs are saying ‘look, let’s call an end to it’. And that is what matters. Yes there are some fans out there that can’t let it go and never will, we accept that.

If they want to take it further, get a lawyer to look at it, fine. But what if they don’t find anything? Where do they go then?

The SFA have made their position clear, they have said they are moving on. Are we saying that a section of supporters should dictate how football should be run in this country? It is a nonsense.

The celtic fans should be the happiest they have been for years. Their team won the Treble last season, they are back in the Champions League this year. So why are some of them so concerned about this?

It is the same ones that are fighting all the time and are having a go at Rangers, and any chance they get to try and put them down they do it.

I would imagine the majority of celtic fans are happy with their team and couldn’t care about this. So, let’s just get on with it.

There are some people that are obsessed with having a dig at Rangers. That is not going over the top, that is a fact.

There are fans from some clubs, not just celtic, that just despise Rangers Football Club. If that is the way they want to be, fine. But there comes a time when you have to say ‘come on, enough is enough’.

That is what the SFA have said. Stewart Regan came out this week and made their position clear. They have spoken to four QCs, they have taken all the legal advice and have decided that what is done is done.

They have acted on those instructions, they have made their decision and now they have to stand by that decision. Unfortunately, that is still not good enough for some supporters out there, or indeed celtic Football Club and Peter Lawwell.

The door should be closed on this issue and we should get on with Scottish football.

Things are hard enough as it is for our game without issues that have been dealt with by the Courts and the football authorities being brought back to the fore once again.



Would have liked him to have been a bit more forceful in regard Doncaster's position being untenable having lied about representing all the club's .  

Well done D.J.

I think septic have shot  themselves in the foot with this.

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Good statement from DJ,,, however I dont know what cetic fans he knows if he actually believes the majority of them are happy or would like to move on.  In all honesty I haven't ever met one who thinks like that.  

I am in the forces and work with a few that you might call more moderate celtic fans as they happy to serve in HM forces ,,and work for that matter lol,.  Every one of them (confused as they obviously are) always gives it the title stripping / EBT pish whenever it comes up

I honestly dont know any that would be happy to just move on, its not in them,, more a minority than majority if indeed there are any,, prob more giant panda's in Scotland.

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DJ isnt the sharpest tool in the box, but at least he usually has our backs. Unlike serial bheast apologist Gordon Smith, who is at it again gushing about how the bheasts are completely blameless in relation to the scumbags attempted assault on Mbappe. He really is a slithering fucking reptile of a man. 

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