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Gerrard “it’s been happening for seasons”


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1 hour ago, jim beam said:

Be prepared for the Scottish MSM to try and ridicule and stab Gerrard at every possible opportunity now the cat is out the bag but the problem they face is this is Gerrard saying this and not Murty or Warburton and people outside Scotland will listen.


I suspect they'll do absolutely nothing because taking action against him will simply attract attention to the fact that he's right

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4 minutes ago, TEFTONG said:

I also noticed an ex player Steven Thompson having a pop as well. Some bawbags will say or do anything for money...Spiers does it cause he is an utter cunt..

He’s another “Im a st mirren fan” sell out cunt who dresses like a maths teacher 

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4 hours ago, Reformation Bear said:

Says what he means.  Means what he says.   If that's the way its got to be then that's the way its got to be.

Be interesting to hear the discussions on the team bus back go Glasgow eh.   A few hours where he has the players full attention on the back of that shambles of a refereeing.     A right good opportunity to drill in some home truths about the way they are going to have to approach games and officials this season.     

He certainly does. I think the club will back SG in questioning the refereeing in Scotland, even if SG has to make a complaint every game and send the evidence in. I wouldn't be surprised if King made a speech backing SG observations.

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4 hours ago, Terry Hurlock Loyal said:

I felt he struggled he tactically today, the second half was very poor - far too deep, too early, and really invited Aberdeen to come on and attack.

Nowt to do with Gerrard, more to do with the 10 men playing like 11 for the majority of the game.

Several times he was filmed urging the team to push up.

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21 minutes ago, A.T.G said:

Thought the tactics were spot on but we didn’t have the players to kill them off. A couple of times the players fucked it when through on Aberdeen’s back line. 

Hopefully we will get better 

Should have been ahead with the Murphy effort early doors, the goals will come just a matter of sharpening up...

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I am 100% confident we will get stronger as we play more games. We are not the finished article but i must admit i think we have a good foundation at the moment to build on over the season and into next. If morelos hadn't been sent off that was a pumpin they were getting. Getting down to 10 men at 13 mins last season would have been a gubbin up there but today with 10 men we were still the best team and could have won it if not for a few bad decisions. 

Can see us taking a good few off Kilmarnock. 

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We were dealing with everything just fine, only really got a bit ruffled and very unlucky to concede when Jack got taken out of the game. To manage the constant joke decisions as well as we did shows how far we've come already. We're gonna give some teams a right humping this season, Gerrard is not going to let this shit lie.

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2 hours ago, jim beam said:

I bet my bollocks on it,the English MSM respect Gerrard and have no axe too grind whereas the MSM up here are infested with taigs that have no integrity and will close ranks and try and deflect and deny what has been obvious for years.


I'm glad Gerrard has addressed this immediately. It's about time a manager of ours called it like it is. 

The Scottish media tomorrow guaranteed will paint his as paranoid and under pressure. But this won't work this time. Gerrard is too well respected down south and carries a presence that can't just be ignored.

The Scottish media and the SFA staff in lawell pockets won't be like there corruption finally being showing for what it is. 

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5 hours ago, GOAT said:

I would normally say stuff like this is embarrassing, but you know what the tarriers have been doing it for years and if he keeps it up it will be officials under pressure for future games to make sure they make the right decision which could work to our favour.  Doubt it though!

this. Better us doing it than them

funnily enough the taigs will be up in arms about Gerrard saying this, when Lennon and the tranny shagger have been doing it for years to try to give themselves an unfair advantage 

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I’m impressed with Gerrard praising the players , even defending Morelos to a certain extent with him highlighting the two barges he received first. Builds a good ,strong team mentality and instills the thinking that the players and management are all in it together and everyone is against us, teams ,fans, refs. No one likes us we don’t care. No Surrender.

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6 hours ago, Siwel said:

Rangers boss Steven Gerrard sensationally claims Scotland’s referees have had it in for Gers for YEARS

STEVEN GERRARD has sensationally claimed Scotland’s referees have had it in for Rangers for years.

The Gers boss was furious with decisions whistler Kevin Clancy made in his side’s 1-1 draw with Aberdeen.

Willie Vass

Alfredo Morelos is sent off by ref Kevin Clancy

Willie Vass

Gerrard reckons Scottish refs have had it in for Rangers

Gerrard felt an early red card for Alfredo Morelos was harsh.

And he was left staggered that Dons defender Dom Ball escaped a sending off after conceding a penalty.

Asked about a siege mentality within his dressing room, Gerrard said: “We need to try and use it to our advantage, but it’s not just today, it’s been happening for a while.

“It’s been happening for a good while.

“I believe it’s been happening for SEASONS.

“That’s my opinion, just my opinion.

“I don’t think we ever get anything to go for us.

“Everything we have seen today is about Rangers

“So someone should give me answers on that. Someone should give me the answers because if there’s anyone in his room thinks nothing should have happened after that penalty…

“It is what it is.

Willie Vass

Josh Windass indicates he was pulled back for penalty

“I can’t control if the issue is going to be ongoing. All I can do is give my opinion on it.”

Gerrard insists the red card for Morelos was too severe after clashing with Scott McKenna.

But he was more furious Dons defender Dom Ball wasn’t sent off for conceding a penalty.

Gerrard said: “With the sending off I think when you do stuff like that, when you react like that, you leave officials with decisions to make.

“So we will speak to Alfredo about the part he has played in it.

“But we feel hard done by because we felt he was provoked twice with violent barges.

“No way in the world was his kick-out violent so we didn’t think he deserved a red.

“At the same time, with the penalty there was no attempt to play the ball. So it’s beyond me how a card can’t be shown for that situation.

“It seems like the world is against us today.

PA:Press Association

James Tavernier celebrates scoring from the spot

“But we’ll make sure we get better for that. We’ll make sure we play better and try and put results to bed, because it looks like some more decisions will go against us as the season goes on.”

Asked if he felt Morelos has been targeted, Gerrard added: “Possibly. So he needs to learn and be ready for that.

“I can’t prove that’s the case but two violent barges by McKenna, it seems people are out to wind him up, yeah.

“What’s disappointing from our point of view is that the whole incident was two or three seconds but the assistant only saw one second of it.

“So he sees Alfredo’s instant in one second but not the two barges in the other two seconds.

“With the penalty incident there was no attempt to play the ball. That’s the rules, it doesn’t matter what my opinion on it is.

“The rules state that if you don’t make an attempt to play the ball, you should be punished. And there was no punishment.

“I had a chat with the referee about it. The assistant said he only saw one second out of the three with the Alfredo incident, which I find hard to believe.

Gerard was gutted to lose a stoppage time equaliser but was delighted with the way his side played.

“I’m disappointment for my players but I don’t go away from here sad.

“I actually loved what I saw.

“I think people are now starting to understand when I say Rangers are different now.

“We are a different team and the players are proving it.

“I go away reasonably pleased, but gutted for my players we never got over the line. It would have been a huge three points.”

Fucking superb. How great is it to have some cunt that tells it like it is. Fucking let’s go. 

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6 hours ago, GOAT said:

I would normally say stuff like this is embarrassing, but you know what the tarriers have been doing it for years and if he keeps it up it will be officials under pressure for future games to make sure they make the right decision which could work to our favour.  Doubt it though!

Your right to doubt it as it’s no happening any time soon but your wrong to feel embarrassed ffs. He’s spot on with what he said make no mistake make. We need to push it when we’ve been wronged. Big time. 

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6 hours ago, KingKirk said:

He got the tactics bang on for 93mins ffs 

Exactly mate, we were superb for 80 minutes with ten men, they cunts got lucky with their first attempt on target ffs. We did not deserve that and no cunt could convince me otherwise 

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6 hours ago, Ryju84 said:

That will be him called out in press now.

Warburton mentioned plastic pitches... got slated.

Taigs mentioned it few weeks ago... nothing.


Hopefully this time English media takes notice.

It will mate don’t worry, only have to look at fridays press to see the way it’s going. Up here it’s violence and cunts getting stabbed, every paper down south had a 2 page spread on how well SG was doing in Europe ffs. Night and day mate. 

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