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Gerrard Urges Fans To Cut It Out

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The "journalist" asking the manager about his schooling for me just shows the medias real interest in this. Okay UEFA have there rules but the media showing again that they don't actually care about sectarianism, or what very little of it really exists in 2019, and they just use it as a vehicle to keep their dying paper industry alive.

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17 minutes ago, rabc10000 said:

If he had said we have a reputation for me that would have shown a solidarity between the management and the club, in effect standing with the fans without the repercussion but I know what you mean to an extent. 

If he said “we” he’d be taking credit for the reputation of the supporters. He’s not a Rangers supporter, never has been. The supporters are they, the club is we.

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1 minute ago, Ger_onimo said:

If he said “we” he’d be taking credit for the reputation of the supporters. He’s not a Rangers supporter, never has been. The supporters are they, the club is we.

Yeah I get what you and a few others are saying, however it's a stark contrast to sourness and the way he spoke about us but then we all know why 

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3 hours ago, MurrayWilson said:

I reckon the club should be seeking clarification on EXACTLY what were the offending phrases/words. There can be no grey areas, after all there are nationalist and political songs sung at grounds all over Europe. Spain, Greece, turkey the Balkans etc etc every week. Find out exactly what we are getting done for otherwise they've got room to make up any offence to fit whatever they like.

It’s a fair comment/question, however you will not get clarification. Creation of a ‘black list’ is not helpful because it can be circumnavigated easily.  We should all know what songs would not be tolerated and we just need to comply or risk not supporting our club in Europe. 

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Gerrard's said what he's said.  He's sought to echo what King said.    Other than repeating what they have said or finding different words to say the same thing there is nothing more Gerrard or King or any of the Directors or execs at Ibrox can do.     The media will have yet more field days on this.  Scottish clubs too.   All words and opinions and more words - all critical in one way or another of the Support.    

None of alters the fact that the Support will say / sing / do whatever it decides to do as a collective support firstly at the StMirren game and then at the Legia game next week.    Will it be largely silence as in no singing?   Will it be taunts at the Board for their willingness to appease?     Will it be singing whatever is normally sung and to fuck with the consequences?    Who knows. 

It will be what it will be and there is fuck all a Rangers chairman or his board of directors or his senior execs or the manager can do about it.       They are not in direct control of what happens.  They can only plead and hope.    That is the extent of their power for these games.      Whether the Support collectively and as individual Supporters take heed and respond in the way that King and the Manager want is something we will only see the result of after each game.       

It will be interesting to see what posts are being generated next Friday and whether this punishment and its consequences are still the dominating subject for Rangers.     

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4 hours ago, James Rolle said:

It’s a fair comment/question, however you will not get clarification. Creation of a ‘black list’ is not helpful because it can be circumnavigated easily.  We should all know what songs would not be tolerated and we just need to comply or risk not supporting our club in Europe. 

Of course there should be exact clarification. If stadiums are threatened with closure its incumbent upon Uefa to inform clubs which words are deemed sectarian. 

Singing against the Ira a hated terrorist group or the Snp equally a hated political separatist group couldn't possibly be deemed sectarian so Uefa would have to clearly define the words they have identified as sectarian otherwise it could very easily end up as pure semantics in a court of law to decide upon. 

Uefa aren't a law unto themselves and have to act within the grounds of wider law provisions.

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5 hours ago, Ger_onimo said:

If he said “we” he’d be taking credit for the reputation of the supporters. He’s not a Rangers supporter, never has been. The supporters are they, the club is we.

It's "we" when things are acceptable and "they" when describing those who bring our Club into disrepute.   That is standard.   However, I'm pretty sure you were already aware of that.  Are you now anti-Gerrard because of his stance?

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2 hours ago, Courtyard Bear said:

There is no sectarianism in everyday Scotland it’s made up pish to keep a few bigots in the money. 

If anyone thinks what gets sung at 90 mins of football has a bearing on the wider country they are simply keeping the myth going. 

As for the schooling question, somebody should’ve asked that twat if he ever attended school. 

Just Like racism in America a cottage industry generating money for race-baiters in the USA and votes for politicians in Scotland. 

0.004% of crime in Scotland is sectarian.  

These cunts wanted our club dead and thru goodness knows what powers worked with HMRC to facilitate the effort.   When that failed they colluded to strip our titles and then Keep us out of Europe.   This has a lot more to do with the hatred for Rangers than about a single word.   The people pushing UEFA thru FARE are the exact same individuals and the ones behind the move to ban Orange Parades.  

They do not appreciate the current sexual abuse attention and re prepared to resort to any tactics to dehumanize big bad Rangers. 

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1 hour ago, Blueray said:

Singing against the Ira a hated terrorist group or the Snp equally a hated political separatist group couldn't possibly be deemed sectarian so Uefa would have to clearly define the words they have identified as sectarian otherwise it could very easily end up as pure semantics in a court of law to decide upon. 

Uefa aren't a law unto themselves and have to act within the grounds of wider law provisions.

You can't bring politics in to football at all when it comes to European competition.  FIFA and UEFA have strict rules against this.


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Hollicom and the bheasts really digging their heels in. At the expense of countless victims of that institution. 

Makes me sick to think that this board, who have been given the benefit of the doubt three years in a row, and duly supported in ticket numbers, are beginning to poison the precious momentum we have going for us on the pitch.

I was excited about the season yesterday.  I'd spit on 55 if it meant apologising for who we are.

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We are giving these bastards an easy option to hit us every time we are on a role and they are facing negative publicity. 

We know about their media, we know about the influence they have on UEFA so why are supporters of our club still giving them the ammunition to derail our comeback?  

Especially for the sake of removing a word or two, there’s fuckall they can do with being called paedos,that clubs history is full of facts that we can use to ridicule the cunts we can fight a lot more clever than we are.



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2 hours ago, TMB said:

You can't bring politics in to football at all when it comes to European competition.  FIFA and UEFA have strict rules against this.


Funny that cause they don't act when it's Real or Barca or even the likes of Bilbao 

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4 hours ago, JCDBigBear said:

It's "we" when things are acceptable and "they" when describing those who bring our Club into disrepute.   That is standard.   However, I'm pretty sure you were already aware of that.  Are you now anti-Gerrard because of his stance?

Eh? No, I’m saying he’s using language correctly by describing the fans, of which he isn’t one, as “they”.

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16 hours ago, gogzy said:

They = Rangers fans.

He is not a Rangers fan.


Not sure what the issue is here,  is it because he is saying something you don't agree with?

Fact of the matter is he’s not a traditional Rangers fan. 

Employed by the club. Has a growing affinity with the club. Probably will be a lifelong fan once his tenure is over.

He a Liverpool fan. Comes from catholic stock - not that that matters a jot.

He has said his piece and there’s not a single thing wrong with what he said. 

This chat is littered with the ‘taig infestion that reaches the very top’ pish. At they end of the day we have been caught with our pants down.

Dont let it happen again as it will only harm our club. Pretty simple stuff.

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1 hour ago, Rfc52 said:

Funny that cause they don't act when it's Real or Barca or even the likes of Bilbao 

What other clubs do doesn't really matter though does it? We know they pick and choose their punishments to suit them.

Fuck, going back a good few seasons here but there was a team got done for racist chanting at their game (think it was a Croatian side but not 100% certain) and they got fine less for that than Nicklas Bendtner got fine for showing a betting company logo on his boxers. 

There's zero consistency to anything UEFA, or FIFA for that matter do when it comes to handing down punishments but what we do know is that we'll be punished for singing certain songs so whether we agree with it or not we need to look after ourselves and stop singing them.

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