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Kamara and Kudela bans

Dan Deacon

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Was doing a fair bit of gardening stuff and only now settled with a beer, missed all this, UEFA are an absolute embarrassment of an organisation, found guilty of racist behaviour in this or any other day and age should result in a lifetime ban from football, any retaliation should result in an award and a knighthood, I despair at the human race.

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RANGERS can confirm that we met with Facebook and Instagram today. This was the first step in constructive dialogue between our club and social media platforms.............

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I find the Roofe ban staggering. Yes what he did was reckless and he did their keeper so.e serious damage but if you watch the incident he did go for the ball. Completely misjudged the height of the ball and as a consequence his boot but I do not believe there was any malice in it  

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3 hours ago, TheJacketRFC said:

Does the ban apply to international games also or just club football?

Both. But he has to be named in club and national squads in order for a game to count against his ban. 

If not named in a UEFA 23 (is it 23?), then that one doesn't come off his total.

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5 minutes ago, East Enclosure Row N said:

Uafa statement on BBC news website said the words "fractured skull".

Not disputing what you said mate. The cunt got hurt March 18th against us and 14 days later he’s playing against Arsenal with a fractured skull?  Skullduggery methinks. 

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1 hour ago, TheKingObv said:

10 is the minimum. The club got it wrong.

Kamara's lawyer confirmed that a 10 game ban is the minimum in his latest statement where he said he deserved a ban of at least a year.

UEFA have imposed the minimum ban under their own rules. They had an opportunity to make an example and deter such racism in future. They did the bare minimum to cover their asses.

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55 minutes ago, BlueKnight87 said:

Even worse then. Bare minimum is a disgrace. 

I think we listened to the lawyer when we thought it was the maximum. The lawyer seemingly also fkd up when he said we got it reduced from 5 to 3 on appeal yet the club are appealing 🤷‍♂️



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4 hours ago, billscott said:

see kudela has just released a statement  still claiming he is innocent and is going to appeal  you could not make it up with this lot

His club backed him with innocent until proven guilty and then allowed due process to take place and have now said they are going to deal with it. I can only see them sacking him tbh and Kudela knows he is fkd and his last throw of the dice is an appeal.

His club may be obliged to do this or maybe not but is it him who mentioned the appeal and not the club which tells me the club are going to let him go.

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12 hours ago, TheKingObv said:

How did the club not know the minimum/maximum ban rules considering how long this investigation has been ongoing? 

Pretty strange to get something like that wrong.

Anwar's fault - he made a mistake in his original response and I think whoever wrote the club statement must have read that and just assumed it was right.

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9 hours ago, Scottywellhousetb said:

Was doing a fair bit of gardening stuff and only now settled with a beer, missed all this, UEFA are an absolute embarrassment of an organisation, found guilty of racist behaviour in this or any other day and age should result in a lifetime ban from football, any retaliation should result in an award and a knighthood, I despair at the human race.

Let's see your garden :)

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Does a 10 match ban act as a powerful enough deterrent to bring racism to a halt in football?  I doubt it.  I wonder if the majority of responsible decent folks in Europe would think that it is a powerful enough deterrent.   Being banned from the game - now that would be a lot more powerful as a deterrent. 

Sometimes you do need a sledgehammer to crack nuts.  Racism is arguably a case in point.   

If it were known that the punishment was complete removal from the game then I think the players, coaches, Boards etc would respond far more seriously to cancel the culture of racism.  As it stands a 10 match ban amounts to a form of catch and release.......release to offend again after a short holiday.    If offenders were removed from the game completely including banned from coaching or management or anything whatsoever to do with clubs and players ie entirely isolated from participating in the game then the racism problem would most likely be dramatically reduced.

Why does UEFA not do this?  Why is Rangers not pressing for that sort of sanction?  Why is the SFA silent on this?   Is it because in their worlds this is just another incident that has its time in the media spotlight and in the news cycle then as always it fades away until another incident happens.  And another.  And another.   How long before UEFA and national football authorities start to be accused of some form of supremacism for their failure to take sufficiently decisive corrective action to eliminate racism?     

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what's sad is Glen was racially abused yet Rangers get a fine and two players suspended total of 7 games between correct and all slavia gets one player ban for 10 lousy games  when you look at it this way uefa gave more punishment to Rangers then a confirmed racist - I feel terrible for any black player- every other day they are in the paper dealing with online racist's - abuse or other players abuse (or fans) pre covid -  etc they literally have no hope its 2021!!! not 1841 like UEFA LITERALLY has sent a loud and clear message to any player who is racially abused ( sorry ) deal with it - and dont you dare re act - we are going back wards with racism - 

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Obviously not overly happy with UEFA giving the minimum punishment, but I'm pleased they found him guilty and the footballing world will forever know him as a racist which is hopefully the greater punishment.

The way they've almost tried to even it out with the Kamara and Roofe bans is a disgrace and needs addressed.

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So going to throw my 10p in.

Could the ban only have been 10 games because Kamara assaulted (to what extent i don't know) him in the tunnel? If UEFA have looked at it as a whole and came to the conclusion that Kamara was in the wrong for the events after the fact and then used that to justify a lesser ban, perhaps.


Are Slavia now going to be sacking this rasist player? Any other job you'd be packing your bags, so while they now no longer back him, they are still backing him by not sacking him. Hopefully some of their other players choose to leave. 

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59 minutes ago, mclovin9091 said:

So going to throw my 10p in.

Could the ban only have been 10 games because Kamara assaulted (to what extent i don't know) him in the tunnel? If UEFA have looked at it as a whole and came to the conclusion that Kamara was in the wrong for the events after the fact and then used that to justify a lesser ban, perhaps.


Are Slavia now going to be sacking this rasist player? Any other job you'd be packing your bags, so while they now no longer back him, they are still backing him by not sacking him. Hopefully some of their other players choose to leave. 

I say it’s the minimum as the investigation based their findings on witness corroboration and probably against a defence which was probably backed up by some of their players saying it never occurred but on the balance of probabilities he was found guilty based on the immediate reactions of our players and their player’s face.

If media mics had picked up the actual verbal abuse then I’m sure the minimum ban wouldn’t have been given and the ban would have been much higher. 

I don’t think the assault affected the ban and yes I can see the club sacking the racist.

Honest question, are we really saying verbal abuse is worse than physical abuse?



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