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Newspapers are rrporting that Police Scotland are investigating wether popcorn teeth broke lockdown rules by going to a hotel in Carlisle.

Police: Can you tell us your whereabouts this week Mr. Lennon?

Popcorn teeth: Trying to get funny?Can't remember where I have  been since I was sacked yan Orange Bastard ye!

Did ma celtic win the treble? 

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11 hours ago, CooperSF said:

🤣🤣🤣 howling watching that.

10 minutes of pure victimhood.

Nasty and disrespectful comments to our contributors but the hosts comments were taken out of context when he called us ‘fucking monkeys’

They are fucking pond life

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29 minutes ago, ayro said:

🤣🤣🤣 howling watching that.

10 minutes of pure victimhood.

Nasty and disrespectful comments to our contributors but the hosts comments were taken out of context when he called us ‘fucking monkeys’

They are fucking pond life

Flower of Scotland playing at the end.


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6 hours ago, Hadron Collider said:

There’s a price to be paid for sure mate in the Glasgow goldfish bowl, but the ex tarrier players always back their lot up. Our ex players at times are fucking apologists. This shit with Lennon has brought it to a head and it’s sad to hear what our ex players are saying. Aye, the guy has a problem, but the fucking crap he dealt out to us when we were down was reprehensible. Karma can be a cunt. Fuck him. 

Every fuckin one of them have had a go at us this season,and they were seething.
Did see yesterday that clown sutton said Big jk was talking pish and we deseved to win the league,and you can bet it was said through gritted teeth.
It will only be a matter of time before tlb shows his true colours,and show ally and barry up as pish talkers when it comes to supporting one of the worse bigots i've ever known. 

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1 hour ago, ayro said:

🤣🤣🤣 howling watching that.

10 minutes of pure victimhood.

Nasty and disrespectful comments to our contributors but the hosts comments were taken out of context when he called us ‘fucking monkeys’

They are fucking pond life

Thing is nearly every clip I seen the specky junkie mess was referring to us as ‘H***’ or ‘orange bastards’. In fact I seen one clip after we beat them in January where he was calling Allan McGregor a rapist.

They are fucking scum and given enough rope they were always going to hang themselves!


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9 hours ago, scottyscott1963 said:

Barry thinks it was ok to just hate them for the match.
90 minute bigots make me puke.
Surprised that he can't see through the hatred seeping from the pores of every fenian i've ever come across,and fuckin sleekit into the bargain.

Is Barry’s wife no a catholic 🤔

I’m sure his son went to Hollycross school in Hamilton.

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22 minutes ago, B1872 said:

Died mate 

The freak show will be missed. :sadface:
a cunt who only spoke a couple of words
a bedridden fool who coudn't tell his arse from his elbow
a hag who was a walking ad why you shouldn't do drugs
a tranny
a racist
and a big ginger cunt with a lisp :rip: 

and 400 mugs who contributed and jamesy bhoy has lost his livelihood of £10 quid a week.
might land a fuckin job on radio clyde,as he's well qualified.

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12 hours ago, MacBoyd said:

Apparently Ally didn't back him just criticised the boy filming him.

Wonder what Ally would say about my mate filming the big African lady hoikin' up her skirt and having a pish in the middle of the pavement at 5pm the other day.

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Just now, magic8ball said:

He was always going to fuck up somewhere along the line ,The show was a joke ,And a fair percentage of the viewers were bears in the end watching for a laugh .He should have chucked it week ago but the 90 odd live viewers were an ego boost to him and his pals .


87 of those were Rangers fans.

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