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7 minutes ago, RFC55 said:

Keep they songs for your buses or clubs.

Don't do it at the ground

Don't sing they songs on yer buses.


Even fucking worse judge Judy on here wants cunts banned if they commit a crime and they're in anyway linked to Rangers 


Just making up lies now. 

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6 minutes ago, Colin Traive said:

Your grasp of the song has improved significantly in the last couple of pages, I must say. Seems only a post or two ago, you were asking someone to tell you the words.


Individuals will have their own understanding or interpretation but the core message (the stick we are most often beaten with) of “the famine’s over, why don’t you go home?” is, in my mind, a mockery of the faux-uber-Irishness exhibited by people who would struggle to find Ireland on a map.

It is that simple and retrospective re-interpretation to extract deeper meaning than that is dishonest and entirely deliberate on the part of our enemies. You play into their hands by tacitly supporting this deception. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

I bow to your hastily acquired and extensive appreciation of the full lyrics but would suggest that your average Rangers supporter would struggle to quote anything beyond the mocking chorus.

If you think most bluenoses have knowledge and understanding of the full lyrics, you’re the one kidding yourself on.

Partly at it I was and thanks for humouring me 😃…. Your last paragraph is why the wee dafties should not be singing the song at all. 

and Colin, sometimes a cigar is exactly what it is - a cigar


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1 minute ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

I doubt very much that Rangers would comment on a video from on idiot saying something sectarian. Possible but not likely.

However if there is a big fucking group of Rangers fans, singing a song deemed sectarian and illegal as they make their way to the ground to watch the game, it becomes an entirely bigger profile matter.

I dont even know what the point of the fans singing this song is. We know it is not actually offending them, they thrive off it, they want us singing these songs so that they can batter us about in the press and damage the club.

It is utterly fucking moronic from our fans. 

100%. Sellic fans dine on it, our muppets feed them it. Achieves absolutely nothing but helpping their propaganda efforts.

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13 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Laugh if you want, but its demonstrably true.

They have kicked up such a shit storm that they are allowed to call us whatever they want and we cant do the same back.

They have fought a massive PR battle for the last decade and now most neutrals think that we are bigots and that they are the poor oppressed victims.

I think it is utter bullshit built on a bed of mock offence, but there is no going back. 

So if i were to call someone a black/paki/fenian bastard today i’m only a racist if they complain about it?

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13 minutes ago, Inigo said:

This 'protestants suffered in the famine' thing is irrelevant. That's not who the song is aimed at. It's quite clearly an anti Irish immigrant 'if you don't like it fuck off' song and it's the absolute definition of mental gymnastics the way folk defend it. You simply can't be telling an ethnic group to fuck off home any more. It's stupid as fuck. It gets us a bad name. People that sing it deserve what they get for being so stupid.



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1 minute ago, STEPPS BOY said:

So if i were to call someone a black/paki/fenian bastard today i’m only a racist if they complain about it?

No, because im not sure if you are aware, but they are all massively publicized and high profile issues that have been subject to massive press coverage and have entire movements like BLM associated with them.

If you were to call someone a 'fenian bastard' then you would be probably in more trouble than someone would be if they called you a 'hun bastard'.

This is because they have kicked up such a stink about the term, where we have never really challenged the use of 'hun' apart from in whataboutery.

If you are saying that you dont believe in political lobbying and dont believe that they have done anything different to us through their pathetic mock offence then I really dont know what to say.

It is utterly pathetic that their obsession and constant highlighting of any wrong doing has seen a difference emerge which has made things 'more equal' for them, but it undoubtedly has.

Their shite has worked, while we sat back and let it. There is no going back.

We cannot sing these songs. The only thing left is if we want to start doing the same back to them and getting them banned from using their insulting terms.

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I get the making of a statement,to be seen to be doing the correct thing.
I also want some whataboutery,and the condemnation of a full bus of tramps singing about The Ibrox Disaster where 66 people lost their lives.
Can't be arsed getting out the bastards full song book.
The list of clubs who sing vile songs at Rangers players goes back years.
Poor wee sensitive fuckin hypocrites can dish it out but they don't like a taste of their own medicine. 
But!!!...as long as it's a one sided witch hunt i could not give two fucks what other people sing or even think. 

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1 minute ago, scotty1976 said:

When is the MSM, and Scottish government going to challenge this anti-English bike chanted with regularity at matches….


To be honest, reading the lyrics, its even less racist than I thought.

I honestly think that people should drop the 'flower of scotland' mock offence as it belittles the argument something stupid!

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9 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

No, because im not sure if you are aware, but they are all massively publicized and high profile issues that have been subject to massive press coverage and have entire movements like BLM associated with them.

If you were to call someone a 'fenian bastard' then you would be probably in more trouble than someone would be if they called you a 'hun bastard'.

This is because they have kicked up such a stink about the term, where we have never really challenged the use of 'hun' apart from in whataboutery.

If you are saying that you dont believe in political lobbying and dont believe that they have done anything different to us through their pathetic mock offence then I really dont know what to say.

It is utterly pathetic that their obsession and constant highlighting of any wrong doing has seen a difference emerge which has made things 'more equal' for them, but it undoubtedly has.

Their shite has worked, while we sat back and let it. There is no going back.

We cannot sing these songs. The only thing left is if we want to start doing the same back to them and getting them banned from using their insulting terms.

I’m saying racism is racism whether someone “squeals” or not.

For these moral crusaders, you either Call it all out or rightly folk wont take them seriously.

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Just now, STEPPS BOY said:

I’m saying racism is racism whether someone “squeals” or not.

For these moral crusaders, you either Call it all out or rightly folk wont take them seriously.

Well hate to burst your bubble, but that's not happening is it?

They are calling us all sorts and not a peep.

I dont want to point out the obvious, but we are literally seeing the things im saying playing out in front of our eyes. The things you are saying are simply make-believe as it is not what is happening in real life.

They have kicked up a big enough stink that we are being highlighted as racist, sectarian bigots and there is not a fucking peep about them being the same.

You can rationalise it away as much as you like, and I agree with you that is how things should be. Should be and how things actually are are not the same though.

They are just far more politically organised than us and know how to play the system. We dont have a fucking clue and just keep feeding them win after win through nothing more than rank stupidity. 

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Witch hunt against the club...no surprise in todays Scotland given the powerful  enemies we have in the media and political circles and their selective and eager savaging of our club and support; given our opposition to  their motivations and objectives.


But our fans,especially the younger ones, do need to be a lot more savvy and be aware of the implications of their actions. 

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13 hours ago, Lord Lockin said:

to walk along the road and stop, hold up traffic ??

That fat cow aitken the head of Glasgow city council did a full article on how she will welcome extinction rebellion and other dregs of society to the city to protest and if it means a bit of inconvenience for Glaswegian residents then tough but deary me we can’t have Rangers fans walking along the road going to the match. Holding up traffic,what a sad fucker you are to come away with such nonsense.

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21 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

To be honest, reading the lyrics, its even less racist than I thought.

I honestly think that people should drop the 'flower of scotland' mock offence as it belittles the argument something stupid!

I’m far from offended by Flower of Scotland but what I’m trying to get at is that is how inoffensive the famine song actually is. And that songs only seem to be offensive when it suits an agenda. 

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Just now, scotty1976 said:

I’m far from offended by Flower of Scotland but what I’m trying to get at is that is how inoffensive the famine song actually is. And that songs only seem to be offensive when it suits an agenda. 

Im not sure how putting the non offensive words of Flower of Scotland up shows how inoffensive the famine song is.

You cant be telling folk to get the fuck out of their country and back to the land of their ancestors. That is offensive.

Saying you sent an invading king and his army back home is completely different. The song is not saying to fuck off back home if your granny was english.

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3 hours ago, DiamondDan said:

Regardless of whether we think it's acceptable or not to sing, society currently dictates it isn't.

If you want to fight against cancel culture/Political Correctness/erosion of free speech or however you interpret it, a Rangers game isn't the place to do it. This kind of stuff is hijacked by those who hate Rangers and used as a stick to beat us with. We are making it easy for them.

There is no doubt in my mind at all that they hold Rangers and Rangers fans to a different standard. It is an undeniable fact that they look the other way when Scotland/celtic most other Scottish clubs indulge in similar behaviour. But that doesn't mean its ok to keep doing it.

Don't hand them gifts.

Dominik they weren’t at the Rangers game they were in the city centre.

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14 minutes ago, Blue Nosed Babe said:

We need better arguments than flower of Scotland.

It looks like we might have to start calling out the iraoke more then when it's condemnation is ignored, scream blue murder.

That and remove all traces of religion from state schools.

I'm not sure that whataboutery is a much better argument than Flower of Scotland.

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2 minutes ago, Dickie said:

Dominik they weren’t at the Rangers game they were in the city centre.

Whilst walking too or from a Rangers game, wearing Rangers colours and making it blatantly obvious they were Rangers fans.


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1 minute ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Im not sure how putting the non offensive words of Flower of Scotland up shows how inoffensive the famine song is.

You cant be telling folk to get the fuck out of their country and back to the land of their ancestors. That is offensive.

Saying you sent an invading king and his army back home is completely different. The song is not saying to fuck off back home if your granny was english.

So, you think the Famine Song is offensive?

It’s an ironic chant aimed at the members of our society who make it clear that they consider Ireland to be a better place than Scotland. Therefore if it’s so much better why don’t they go home.  Like most football chants it’s on the edge of being politically incorrect but nothing more than that. 

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59 minutes ago, mitre_mouldmaster said:

Laugh if you want, but its demonstrably true.

They have kicked up such a shit storm that they are allowed to call us whatever they want and we cant do the same back.

They have fought a massive PR battle for the last decade and now most neutrals think that we are bigots and that they are the poor oppressed victims.

I think it is utter bullshit built on a bed of mock offence, but there is no going back. 

While I agree with what your saying. I also see the concern of where it ends.

The whole danger of this type of spiral is that it is entirely objective. offence is a Personal choice. You are spot in so far as they have run a campaign of being offended by our songs but if they have had success in having Famine Song, Billy Boys and Super Rangers banned then where do they stop. Mind the Bouncey was celebration of dancing on the heads of Catholicos. Oh how we laughed. But we won’t be laughing if the tell that lie often enough it becomes their alternative facts. 

Stopping the naughty songs is required today. But we need to start fighting back. If only to draw a line. 

But fighting back is not going to involve defiantly singing against the Clubs requests nor by saying “but they do it too” it has to be in the manner said earlier. 

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1 minute ago, Monkey Butler said:

I'm not sure that whataboutery is a much better argument than Flower of Scotland.

Its whataboutery if we roll it out only when we are under fire for a high profile incident.

I think what @Blue Nosed Babe is suggesting is that we proactively start highlighting the incidents from their fans, even when we are not under fire (which is very rarely these days).

We only highlight these songs and things now when there is no headline space left, as it is all used up printing nasty shit about us.

We need to do what they did. We need to highlight their indiscretions constantly, which is petty and fucking ridiculous, but this is what it has come down to.

Otherwise we just have to accept they can call us whatever they want and get away with it, and we cant do the same back. 

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