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Ffs Tav!


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What a fucking clown :lol: Richard Gough was captain of a team that was notorious for being out on the piss and in a more modern time Ferguson wasn’t exactly averse to a drink when he shouldn’t have been but aye you’d have never caught them eating a burger after a game god forbid


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5 minutes ago, GA1972 said:

What a fucking clown :lol: Richard Gough was captain of a team that was notorious for being out on the piss and in a more modern time Ferguson wasn’t exactly averse to a drink when he shouldn’t have been but aye you’d have never caught them eating a burger after a game god forbid


Team that drinks together n all that 🏆.

Maybe this team eats together, whatever fucking works 😂 who even is the guy, ex that lot? Weird weird thing to say, glad even the host laughed at him.

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4 minutes ago, .Williamson. said:

I took it more as he had no aura in the sense he can go into a five guys and nobody around him gives a fuck he’s there, not that he’s eating a burger :lol:

Load of shite either way but aye 

He saw him and cared enough to tell us all on national, wait are PLZ on telly? YouTube maybe? A TikTok?

Seemed it made this guy's day seeing Tav 😂

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