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5 minutes ago, Malkytfp1 said:

Many employers could and would do something if you broke rules and were fined by the police. Especially if you are damaging their brand.

Me having a panic attack in a Sainsbury's uniform apparently damaged their brand (and saw me on a gross misconduct)

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1 hour ago, .Williamson. said:

Aye, he fucked up but he is Tavs natural long term replacement and it would be a shame to let him go and see him develop into a great player for another club 

Would imagine his season is finished though 

On Sunday I was for flogging them and sell them because of the harm they could have done :pipe:  but I think on reflection if he shows the right attitude after this then he can still have a future with us, hopefully.

The others apart from Zungu, who was probably never going to be kept on, might fall into the same category but not sure. 

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12 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

Why should their be any further action? If i go to a party and get a fine from the police I wouldn't imagine my employer would also punish me.

There’s many employers who’ll terminate your contract if prosecuted for a crime or if you do something which doesn’t fit with their moral or ethical views.

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10 minutes ago, Malkytfp1 said:

Many employers could and would do something if you broke rules and were fined by the police. Especially if you are damaging their brand.

I don't think the club reputation is the biggest factor here, though there may be some pressure to be seen to act given the circumstances. The issue as I see it is that they've defied instructions and made the manager look impotent, and Steven Gerrard does not strike me s the type to be made a fool of with impunity.

The explicit punishment may only go so far, but I wouldn't be surprised if those involved find themselves frozen out and pushed to the back of the queue for first team starts, especially those who aren't deemed a prospect. 

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1 minute ago, rossDas said:

I don't think the club reputation is the biggest factor here, though there may be some pressure to be seen to act given the circumstances. The issue as I see it is that they've defied instructions and made the manager look impotent, and Steven Gerrard does not strike me s the type to be made a fool of with impunity.

The explicit punishment may only go so far, but I wouldn't be surprised if those involved find themselves frozen out and pushed to the back of the queue for first team starts, especially those who aren't deemed a prospect. 

Bizzarly, this all remind me of a wrestling incident. HHH was supposed to get a big push in the wrestling and was gonna be the next big thing. He broke character and made the wrestling look (more) stupid and so he was punished. He was taken out of the limelight and instead they gave another wrestler the chance. The other wrestler was Stone Cold Steve Austin who went on to sell more merch and tickets than any other wrestler in the history.

Moral of the story, Patterson is fucked and Dickson will be worth £100 million soon.

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11 minutes ago, The Dude said:

Me having a panic attack in a Sainsbury's uniform apparently damaged their brand (and saw me on a gross misconduct)

But in those circumstances a company has a duty of care to you and your health.

A gross misconduct for that is absolutely disgraceful.

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Gutted.  Was just in the motor on the way home down here in Newcastle.  Talksport comes on and a minute later, they go to their main news headlines.  And what's one of them... "Steven Gerrard names the FIVE Rangers players who were caught breaching Covid rules..."

Hearing that, on the radio down here, and the sheer number of players involved, after what's been a phenomenal season , is gutting.

Feel especially gutted for Gerrard.  He and the club literally couldn't have done anymore; they've led the way in terms of Covid protocols on match-days/at the training ground.  Sadly, selfish wee immature laddies from Jones/Edmundson to the current lot have tarnished that good work and the club's spotless reputation this season.


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21 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

Why should their be any further action? If i go to a party and get a fine from the police I wouldn't imagine my employer would also punish me.

You could also be chased for abusing kids and be re-employed further down the road.
Quite sure it's the hypocrisy that makes me squirm.

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After watching Gerard's press video he looks absolutely gutted.  For those numpties to do this to the club and upset the feel good factor I think there is no road back for them. I was thinking, young lads, they’ll learn from it but now, I want them gone.

 They clearly do not give a shit or understand what it means to play for this club and the responsibilities that come with that.  The haters out there have been given a huge lift that will allow them to attack our club again via the press and the authorities.  There are plenty of young promising players out there that will bite your hand of to get involved with our club, so we let go, move on and let everyone know that we will not tolerate any shit.

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I don't like to be judge and jury in these situations so I'm happy for the club to deal with each of the stupid fuckwits individually. We'll see what happens to them, eventually, but much of it may depend on themselves and their own behaviour, except Zungu, he's for the off I suspect. 

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42 minutes ago, Malkytfp1 said:

That's what really gets me mate. They knew what the fallout would be but being a Rangers player didn't matter as much. Winning the league didn't matter as much. When their careers end up at Queen of the South on £200 a week or French ligue 2 on the bench, I hope they look back and think "cracking party but".

If my experience of the wasters you come across in life are anything to go by, that's the kind of mince they would come out with!

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1 minute ago, Misteral said:

I don't like to be judge and jury in these situations so I'm happy for the club to deal with each of the stupid fuckwits individually. We'll see what happens to them, eventually, but much of it may depend on themselves and their own behaviour, except Zungu, he's for the off I suspect. 

Stevie Gerrard has said "i will deal with this as soon as it's possible to speak to them"
I'm adding nothing else to that.

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