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DR gunning for Heart and Hand


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5 minutes ago, The Specky Liar said:

Obviously Graham is doing a shite job and has made a lot of enemies along the way but it's beyond naive to think this wouldn't be happening if he wasn't here

Not too sure if all this happens without Graham though there were many gunning for Traynor.

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18 minutes ago, esquire8 said:

I'll predict the club will do nothing of the sort and force Edgar to take the two in question off the podcast indefinitely, if he hasn't done so already.

He won’t do that, if the club try to influence what they post Edgar has previously said they would walk away. 

As much as you could argue he might not, he’s someone who actively campaigned against the club controlling fan groups in the past and has experienced from the RST/RSA days. I doubt he’d sack two of his close friends, he’d be more likely to stand down as an “official media partner” and just keep H&H slightly more distant from the club. 

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5 minutes ago, graeme_4 said:

I don’t know him, or what he’s like, or if he’s good at his job or not, but that says more about the small minded press in Scotland than anything else. 

Bitter, biased, outdated and no longer fit for purpose. 

Tbh, much of it is deserved. He's wildly out his depth and is a joke figure around Scottish football with more than than just the media. I've heard managers and other club officials ripping the piss out of him too. (One or two of whom are well-thought of on here)

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5 minutes ago, psb07158 said:

I don't know a single filth fan who doesn't use the word "hun" 

We have to embed the narrative that it is anti-Protestant sectarianism, as they have successfully managed with the word "fenian"

Next to impossible with zero support from government and media. No problem if they both had a balanced view but as we all know they don't. 

Sectarianism is a term that's dying on its arse. 

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30 minutes ago, The Dude said:



They had to wait for sectarianism to be the topic of the day for maximum effect. Wouldn't hit quite the same if we were talking about actual racism so once the polis started chapping on doors over the famine song stuff the H&H dodgy tweets' folder got dusted off.

DG is getting slaughtered in every press room in every ground in the country. This is all about taking him down.

Looks like this is getting you hard

Who fucking cares what a shower a tarrier loving cunts think?

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14 minutes ago, esquire8 said:

Not too sure if all this happens without Graham though there were many gunning for Traynor.

George Square reaction, doctored videos being condemned by senior politicians, the hypocrisy in reporting fans behaviour at the weekend, this story...

It's all connected and it isn't because of David Graham. Waken up ffs. 

14 minutes ago, tm91 said:

Quite, but Graham is a big factor in this event in particular. Combine that with typical arrogance - the press hate that people like Edgar are getting access - and the club's media strategy generally (which was always going to cause a backlash) and the papers are particularly motivated here.

That said, I will repeat that we need to be more co-ordinated as a fanbase. The reason this attack is happening now is because it can piggyback off of the longer term, consistent efforts to attack the club. There are people in politics and the media who hate Rangers fans and will keep sticking the boot in whenever they can.

Spot on.

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1 minute ago, SkylineBlue said:

We'll need to shout twice as loud to cause half as much collateral damage. Starting with Natasha Meikle.

Burness Paull is absolutely full of them btw, I'd be shocked if they did anything but the police might 

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3 minutes ago, The Dude said:

What the fuck are you slavering on about?

Yer awfy excited ya mongo.


"DG is getting slaughtered in every press room in every ground in the country. This is all about taking him down"

Awww hahahaha am itk, a know what goes on in press rooms.

Who fucking cares ya galoot.


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1 minute ago, The Dude said:

Which bit is me being excited?

God forbid I pass on stuff I've seen and heard when it's relevant to the thread because it makes me appear "itk".

Seriously though mate, if you don't care don't read it or put me on ignore and then you don't have to see it.

Think I will but when people quote you, it's still visible 

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