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Vaccine Passport Enforcement Delayed


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The EPL is currently spot checks for Covid vaccination or Negative LFT. 


Do I need COVID-status certification to attend a match?
You should come to every match with COVID-status certification and you can expect that you may be checked for this on entering any Premier League club’s grounds.

The simplest way of obtaining certification is with the NHS COVID Pass through the NHS app or website. The COVID Pass can be generated on the app if you have been fully vaccinated over two weeks earlier or following a negative lateral flow test in the previous 48 hours.

Though that will change if they move to Plan B.

I was at QPR in the Championship last week, was no requirements at all 


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17 minutes ago, graeme_4 said:

Where’s the science behind it? More made up pish with zero basis behind it.

Exactly you are still going to be shoulder to shoulder in a 9000 capacity stadium the same as 50000. The difference is the 50000 is bigger. I agree with @RFC55 I hate the SNP. They are full of shit and try to make themselves relevant by coming out with a pile of shit on a near daily basis.

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Question.  Going beyond the next few months, even this season, what is the end point of all these measures?  
We are not going to eliminate this virus with these vaccines, the very best that can be hoped for is that it becomes endemic like the flu.  Thousands of people end up in hospital with the flu, many die with the flu.  Probably best scenario might be for Covid to replace the flu as the main respiratory virus that kills the old, weak and vulnerable every winter.  Where do these vaccine passports (and other lockdown measures for that) fit into that scenario?  Are they going to be a permanent government control measure?  

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24 minutes ago, Bad Robot said:

This will set the precedence 


I wouldn’t hold out much hope.  There have been a number of cases brought before the courts by the hospitality and entertainment sectors in relation to lockdown restrictions.  In each case, the courts have rolled over and deferred to the government.  

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2 minutes ago, Assegai said:

Response Aberdeen are sending to emails re: cancelling season books. Can tell it's a copy/paste response they're using as the person who shared it said they didn't say they were unvaccinated, just that they were unwilling to participate in this scheme.


Seen this online too, Rangers doing a similar thing.

Shame the clubs are just bending over backwards against this and not giving a shit about their fans.


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36 minutes ago, RFC55 said:

So the club should say they aren't doing it and all of us double vaccined have to be locked out because of a few fuck wits who chew kit kat wrappers?

No, the Club had the opportunity to take a stand on points such as legislation not having been voted in or even written yet, or being railroaded in to publishing pishtalk about official letters when neither a process nor proforma for them exist. Stop and think man, you'll look less like the one with foil between your teeth.

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2 minutes ago, WilliamMunny said:

Anyone know if there are plans to update this once you have to go for your 3rd jab? what about the 4th, 5th etc? If it goes smoothly over the next few months I imagine it would have to update quicker than people expect.

The French Pass Sanitaire has provision for eight shots from the outset 🙄

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16 minutes ago, Assegai said:

No, the Club had the opportunity to take a stand on points such as legislation not having been voted in or even written yet, or being railroaded in to publishing pishtalk about official letters when neither a process nor proforma for them exist. Stop and think man, you'll look less like the one with foil between your teeth.

I'm no a conspiracy nut so a don't sit chewing tin foil 

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