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6 hours ago, GersInCanada said:

Copied from FF


End of season player review
Barkas - 1/10

lady's front bottom is a SEGA mastersystem. Incapable of making saves. Probably the most tragic of greek tradgedies since the works of Euripides.

Bain - 1/10

He's a Dundee Utd Keeper.

Conor Hazard - 2/10

Gets a extra point just for his penalty heroics against Hearts. Otherwise complete and utter shite.

You couldn't build a competent keeper out of the three of these if you broke them down for parts.

Christopher Julien 4/10

Actually still think he's decent on his day and he's got brittle bones and gets bullied by pub strikers.

Greg Taylor - 1/10

He's a H**, he's weak, he can't pass, he can't get by a man, he's a H**. Gets 6 points for effort but 5 points deducted for being a H**.

Shane Duffy - 1/10

Looks like a farmer and plays like one. Quite literally the worst centre back to ever turn out for us. Caused more damage to us than any single opposition player has.

Jonjoe Kenny - 2/10

I do not know what we were expecting signing a lady's front bottom called Jonjoe. He's worse than Greg Taylor put I have to give him an extra point on the account of not being a H**.

Kristofer Ajer - 3/10

Could never doubt his commitment but just as culpable as anyone else in the defence this season. For a big lad he seems to disappear when the ball is whipped into our box.

Anthony Ralston - 9/10

We barely saw him and for that I'm extremely thankful.

Stephen Welsh - 5/10

Gets a few extra points for not being Shane Duffy.

Diego Laxalt - 2/10

Perhaps sums up the absurdity of this season that we managed to signed a Uruguayan International from AC Milan that turned out to be absolutely hopeless at football. Would make a cracking long distance runner as long as he wouldn't be required to stay in a specific lane. Every bit as bad as Greg Taylor, if not worse, but have to give him an extra point just for not being a H**.

Nir Biton - 1/10

A rolls royce. Could play with slippers on etc.

Amazing that he's been with us for so long despite the fact that he can't get a game in midfield because he's shite. Time for him to go occupy some other territory where he's not wanted.

Scott Brown 2/10

Thanks for the memories. It's been painful watching you this season.

Soro - 4/10

Looked decent for a few games but I think we were all just desperate to be convinced he was a player after suffering such abject shite for months on end. Kind of like of a Rustlers Burger would seem like a gourmet meal after being served a literal plate of shite.

David Turnbull - 4/10

Looks tidy on the ball occasionally. Could yet come good but still has a lot to prove.

Ryan Christie - 1/10

In his head he's Paul Scholes. In reality he's Stephen Pearson. Also has a big annoying face. Can't wait to see him turn out for Brentford or whoever.

Tom Rogic - 1/10

Fair play to him for earning a wage for doing absolutely %^*& all. Like a lass you were in love with for a bit who was an absolutely magic ride but you stayed with her for too long and now you resent the sight of her but you're finding it difficult to break things off because you've too many good memories. She's not even interested in giving you so much as wank anymore now and she's living in your gaff rent free.

Mikey Johnston - 1/10

Like most promising youths to break through at celtic. Lightweight and actually not very good. Would score a little higher if he wasn't made of glass. A Gen Z Brian McLaughlin.

Mohamed Elyounoussi - 2/10

But but but he scored 15 goals or whatever. Typical Swiss lady's front bottom. Hides when it really matters. Like a mint lindor. Looks nice but soft as %^*& inside and nobody really wants it. You want the red ones.

Callum McGregor - 1/10

Been responsible for more goals conceded than Shane Duffy probably. Looks like a magic player when we're on top and everyone else around him is performing. Like Jeff Lynne
being elevated by the other Travelling Wilburys but in reality he's just some lady's front bottom in ELO.

James Forrest - 4/10

He's probably thankful that he was injured for most of the season.

Leigh Griffiths - 1/10

Just %^*& fucking off. If he wasn't playing football he'd be selling shoplifted bacon and lynx out of a holdall. Shown nothing but contempt for the fans with his lack of commitment. Arsehole.

Albian Ajeti - 1/10

Griffiths is a lady's front bottom and can't run the length of himself for more than two minutes, Eduoard looks like he'd rather being reading book and Klimala simply is not good at football and yet this useless lazy fat %^*& still couldn't stake a claim for a place in the team.

Osdonne Eduoard - 2/10

Actually breaks my heart how poor he's been. I loved him but he's badly let me down. Still better than the other useless options up front though.

Patryk Klimala - 1/10

If all it took was effort he'd be in with a shout of winning the Ballon D'or. As it stands I'm not exactly sure how he ended up in the hoops. I've seen better first touches down the park. The fact that he now gets paid to play football and live in New York is grotesquely unfair. Fair play to him.

Oliver Ntcham - 2/10

Point for being so bad that a manager resigned from his position rather than have to work with him. Probably the most entertaining thing that's happened this season.

Boli Bolingoli - 2/10

Terrible at football but isn't a H** so gets an extra point.

Jeremie Frimpong - 2/10

At least had the decency to %^*& off.

Hatem Abd Elhamed - 1/10

He came, he sold the jerseys, he got injured and he fucked off.

That is a very funny to read and the 'ladies front bottom' nonsense adds to it, hilarious stuff.



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1 hour ago, GersInCanada said:

I didn't get past 'You couldn't build a competent keeper out of the three of these if you broke them down for parts.' before spluttering coffee all over the keyboard.

No idea if that is the work of one of them or a Bear and i don't care.

That was a great start I must admit and glad I had no drinks of any kind near me :lol: it was hilarious and a good laugh is always welcome.  

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4 hours ago, Rangers_no1 said:

Howe situation has to be one of two scenarios.

1 - Scum want him, he said he's interested but is waiting for potential EPL job first.

2 - He has verbally agreed and the Bournemouth situation with backroom staff, being in playoffs is delaying the announcement.

I'm leading towards scenario 1 and that Clarke will end up the new scum box after the Euros.


I think Howe is waiting on the crystal Palace job, seeing if Roy Hodgson retires. 

It will be absolutely hilarious after all this time if Howe knocks them back. 

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12 minutes ago, BlueKnight87 said:

I think Howe is waiting on the crystal Palace job, seeing if Roy Hodgson retires. 

It will be absolutely hilarious after all this time if Howe knocks them back. 

It’s being put out there that septic may target the Roma coach if Howe craps out on them.  I have a harder time believing that this guy would take the septic job than Howe taking it.

https://www.google.com/amp/s/BOYCOTT THIS LINK/sport/football/football-news/paulo-fonseca-emerges-celtic-eddie-24038445.amp

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22 hours ago, Raligt said:


I get that as well. Fucked it you are having a craic with the opposition when you're getting pumped.


Fucked me right off when a couple of our players (Lee McCulloch included) a few years back were getting battered in a cup game and they came off laught with the mankies at half fucking time.


Shouldn't be fucking happening! Should be laughing with them either. Only acceptable here is that we are laughing AT them.

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8 hours ago, scottyscott1963 said:

Hope you don't mind me adding arms and legs to your post mate.

There is a video of the players at Crawley singing a song in the dressing room when they heard he had left entitled " we're singing a song coz the fatmans gone".

I would post it, but it seems to have disappeared.  There are references to it when you google it so I know I didn't imagine it.

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