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Tom Devine ..Hes Gone Too Far This Time


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Had a look at Devine's Wiki page, never seen someone with so many honours, plaudits, awards, etc.  Nevertheless he is incapable of hiding his bigotry and selective blindness.  A nasty old bigot and I would love to see him taken to task for his comments.

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33 minutes ago, slimjim1690 said:

I'm going to take a lot of shit for this but I'm going to say it anyway, this only seems to be a major problem in the west of Scotland, speaking for myself living here in Canada it's not a problem here where non catholics and catholics educated separately live in harmony, now don't get me wrong I have no time for catholicism but how can it be that in other parts of the world society can live together with separate education systems yet it's seen as a problem in Scotland?

Scotland and particularly the west of Scotland's problems go a lot deeper because of the history of the immigration of so many Irish catholics concentrated in one particular area during the famine and the problems of integration that spawned from that not helped by the catholic church's input, as for this supposedly highly educated historian coming out with this bigoted nonsense, he's just adding to the problem with his one sided argument

So why doesn’t Cardiff and South Wales have the same issues, a Protestant Country (Methodist/Baptist) where mass Irish Catholic migration in the mid 19th century was almost identical to what occurred in and around Glasgow?

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11 minutes ago, They Gnu said:

So why doesn’t Cardiff and South Wales have the same issues, a Protestant Country (Methodist/Baptist) where mass Irish Catholic migration in the mid 19th century was almost identical to what occurred in and around Glasgow?

TBH I have no idea mate, maybe the protestant church in Wales didn't set up soup kitchens for them in order to convert them as was the case in Glasgow according to certain historians.

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Just now, They Gnu said:

No celtic fc no bigotry, it’s really that simple.

Unfortunately it’s not quite as simple as that. I can illustrate this with a true story.

A good number of years ago my brother worked part time in a large Computer factory, let’s say the one with 3 letters. He was asked to apply for a permanent job as he was quite obviously capable and suited to the environment. Mysteriously his invite to come for an interview arrived after the interview date.As my father had worked there since the early days,  he went and chased this up as something didn’t add up, the letter had been posted from Ayrshire nowhere near the factory. Long and short of it , there was a cabal at play in the Personnel dept trying to bias who was getting employed to their own bigoted beliefs. Warnings were issued to individuals etc.

Some  time later,  now employed at said factory,  my brother  had a car accident and was taken to hospital, nothing serious but it was in the local paper. A mysterious letter appeared addressed to my mother to the effect that the individual hoped the accident was serious and hopefully my brother wouldn’t come back out of hospital. By whatever means , I was at school at the time and don’t really remember, it was established this had come from someone within the Personnel dept.

My family have no faith beliefs and are not interested in anyone’s big book of stories but to this day I despise that certain kind of RC cabal and their sleekit ways of infiltrating and influencing and that seems to me to be the root cause of what is wrong with Scotland at the moment. 

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He has lost the plot.He is a total bigot.All the songs praising the ira and songs about protestants dying and effigies hanging from the parkhead stands and young boys attacked with bottles etc etc all forgotten in his bigoted mind.He is looking for violent reactions.Dont fall for it.

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