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On 15/04/2021 at 19:28, Jeffrey said:

Earlier this week, Emmy-award-winning filmmaker Jamie Doran was on a precarious journey into the mountains just outside the western city of Herat, Afghanistan, to meet the Taliban’s strongest military leader who controls most of Helmand, Kandahar and seven other provinces, Mullah Neazy.

Despite the seriousness of the occasion, his ‘guards’ wanted to speak about a matter of great importance to them: who did he think the next manager of celtic is going to be. Doran and his cameraman from Madrid were flabbergasted. But it turns out that there is a major contingent of celtic fans in the city which borders with Iran – one of the few things that unites the two warring sides.

“It was a pretty bizarre situation," said Jamie. "They seemed just like ordinary blokes in many ways, wanting to know which team I supported. They’d obviously spotted the celtic top underneath my tunic and, when I confirmed this to them, they couldn’t stop talking about Odsonne Edouard, Scott Brown (“he is a very strong leader”) and a couple of other players. But the biggest topic was the new manager.

“They’d heard of Eddie Howe, but wondered why we weren’t going for someone more famous. I wasn’t about to disagree with them.” Jamie Doran's 'The Fans Who Make Football' series featured an episode about The Bhoys (below) with a strong focus on the Grand Old Team's Belfast supporters.

Wow! Legitimising a terror group who maintain Stone Age beliefs and want nothing to do with the modern world (except for the weapons, tech and medicine) because they “all” like the team you support.

This fool forgot that the Taliban banned TV and hung them up as a warning. Not one of them knows or cares about their scummy team, he’s just promoting his team amongst terrorists which is sad, but if you are broken by a Rangers victory and run away to a terrorist shithole to get some glory for team why not forget their sins because they want a better manager than Howe.

However they do have a habit of forgetting forgotten the sins of their fathers, priests, club staff and former team players.

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11 hours ago, HuistraHairDo said:

When yer 1st team are done killing kids and innocence, first thing you do is jump on a plane an go with the terrorist reserves. 

These cunts need a cause, their need to be the victim is second to none.


People wonder why we hate these vile humans.



scum appreciation society.
absolutely no doubt that photo of that cunt has paedo jumping out.

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11 hours ago, HuistraHairDo said:

When yer 1st team are done killing kids and innocence, first thing you do is jump on a plane an go with the terrorist reserves. 

These cunts need a cause, their need to be the victim is second to none.


People wonder why we hate these vile humans.



Agreed. And this is this weekends cause .Still have to beware and go out and win the game.

Lose and it’s a step back ,no matter what bravado we give it .

Simply have to win a Scottish cup tie against them at Ibrox , for first time in 56 years .

That should be our cause 

to qualify that ,only played once and it was a draw .Still needs correcting though 


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19 minutes ago, DBBTB said:

Games like today just reinforce my belief that Scott Brown, is, was and always will be a total imposter.

The defence of his poor performances is that his age has simply caught up with him, but I don’t buy that when we have Davis, who is older, still bossing this league and making it look easy. The reason he’s doing that, while Brown tails off, is because he’s a superior player to Brown and always was.

Brown could barely lay a glove on us when we had the likes of Mendes, Ferguson, Davis & Thomson and it took administration and us getting booted out of the league for the quality to drop and for him to get the platform he needed to start looking anything like the player they claim he is.

It’s absolutely no coincidence that as soon as we sorted ourselves out, moved away from the Goss’, Halliday’s, Pena’s and Holt’s of the world and got a midfield of the expected quality he reverted back to being a total non entity for them, especially against us, and now he’s skulking out with his tail between his legs like all the other imposter rats at their festering cesspit of a club.

The single biggest fraud and myth in the history of Scottish Football.

Spot on.

Ferguson made a fool of him on his OF debut in 2007 and pretty sure by the time 2010/2011 rolled about he had been shunted to right midfield and was verging on struggling for a game.

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