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DR gunning for Heart and Hand


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I'm glad i don't do twitter, seems like a cess pit free for all.

Even my Facebook is not my real 2nd name.

Far too many maniacs frequent such places, fuck having to worry about what i posted 10 years ago.

Still, great to see the hypocrisy of these cunts that do getting exposed. Hope this runs and runs, would love to see more mainstream media outlets pick up on it down here .................i'm keeping a keen eye out in hope ...

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18 minutes ago, scotty1976 said:

Haggerty - think of this:

An Orange Order parade is pro-Protestant and not anti-Catholic. Therefore, surely your opposition to legitimate marches which are supportive of a legitimate religion (Protestantism) and a legitimate organisation (Grand Orange Order) are anti-Protestant? Call it out. 

can someone tweet this please(without the think of this part)

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Welcome to Scotland


celtic fan cleared of bigotry against Rangers fans at Glasgow Sheriff Court

A SHERIFF cleared a celtic fan of bigotry despite telling him he used sectarian language.

Thomas Boyle, 18, allegedly shouted abuse at Rangers fans at celtic Park in December 2019.

Boyle was claimed to have said: "Get to f*** you bunch of dirty orange b******s."

This was backed up by witness PC Stuart McLennan who recorded the incident on a handheld camcorder.

But, Sheriff Kenneth Hogg found the case against Boyle not proven after poor audio on the video of the alleged incident.

He told Boyle: "I have seen the evidence and looked at the video.

"The question is whether you used sectarian abuse.

"You and I both know you used sectarian abuse.

"The fortunate position for you is I can't establish that on the basis of the law with corroboration.

"Looking at the video, I would be convicting someone for crass stupidity and I can't convict someone for that.

"You would have been convicted if the evidence was stronger and you are fortunate the evidence doesn't stack up."

Boyle, of the city's Govan, was acquitted of the single threatening or abusive behaviour aggravated by religious prejudice charge.

PC McLennan told Glasgow Sheriff Court earlier that he heard Boyle shouting abuse at Rangers fans at the segregation 15 minutes after the final whistle.

Prosecutor Ross Cannighan asked the officer to describe what was said.

He replied: "Get to f*** you bunch of dirty orange b******s."

The officer added that Boyle said it in an "aggressive" tone and it was "alarming."

The court was then shown the footage from the match.

Boyle appeared to shout before rubbing his stomach while looking in the direction of the Rangers fans.

Des Ziolo, defending, said: "It's not clear what is said on the camera footage."


PC McLennan replied: "Yes, it doesn't help when Rangers fans are chanting."

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